

"She Planteth" ~ An Inspirational Gardening Journal Printable

In the very beginning, God established the garden as our only food source. In the last century, we have strayed from this concept and have found that (behind our backs) seeds are being manipulated, chemicals are sprayed by the gallons and much of the store bought food is no longer the Eden it should be for our bodies.

Thankfully, the truth is spreading and many people are getting back to their "roots". Some have always been fascinated with growing their own produce while others are just beginning to dabble in the dirt. No matter where you are in your gardening journey, it helps to have an organized place to record all your notes, lists and needs. Would you like to create a gardening journal? Think of it as your own personal almanack!

We are offering our Regency inspired printable for those of you who appreciate simple systems. There are many wonderful, detailed and computerized programs out there, but this is for the plain-Jane folks :) I noticed that if I keep things basic in my life, then I actually follow through with my plans.

You will find the rest of our journal at Deep Roots at Home, where I am guest posting today…

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