

L’estime de soi supérieur conduit à une meilleure santé

c'est quoi l'importance de l'estime de soi dans la vie?
Les scientifiques australiens ont conclu que plus la personne a un amour-propre fort, le mieux sera sa santé, - The Psychological Science a écrit.
Les experts sont arrivés à cette conclusion après une expérience dans laquelle ils ont essayé diverses façons d'influencer l’amour propre des participants: Soit le soulever avec des éloges et des compliments, ou - au contraire - en le réduisant à des évaluations critiques et négatives. Par exemple, les auteurs dits aux volontaires qu'ils ont l'air bien et mal, et puis dans les deux semaines de la surveillance des volontaires ont été invités pour évaluer leurs propres sentiments et bien-être.Dans le même temps, les scientifiques ont suivi le nerf vague des participants - le cerveau humain qui est responsable pour le système nerveux parasympathique (qui à son tour influe sur le système cardio-vasculaire). Si le nerf vague a une réduction du tonus, le système nerveux parasympathique ne peut pas apaiser le coeur pendant le stress et la dépression, qui peut conduire à des maladies cardiovasculaires graves.Les études ont montré que plus l'estime de soi des participants est fort, le plus élevé a été le ton de leur nerf vague, qui permettait aux gens de faire face aux sentiments négatifs, tout en maintenant une bonne santé."L’estime de soi fort nous aide à se sentir en sécurité à un moment où nous sommes confrontés à des bouleversements sociaux", - les chercheurs ont noté.
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Aliments qui empêchent les troubles digestifs

aliments pour éviter et traiter l'indigestion
La nourriture que vous mangez peut affecter la santé digestive. Par conséquent, les experts de la santé recommandent toujours que vous choisissez vos aliments à bon escient.
Lorsque la nourriture est consommée correctement, cela aide le tube digestif de prévenir les troubles tels que les brûlures d'estomac, ballonnements et la constipation.

Eh bien, voici quelques aliments qui sont bons pour la digestion selon The Times Of India.

Le gingembre contient gingerol active qui produit un sentiment de chaud, épicé, de stimulation et de propriétés thérapeutiques. En plus d'être une épice de cuisine, le gingembre est souvent utilisé comme un médicament pour les troubles du système digestif, tels que des nausées.

Fenouil contient l’anéthole qui peut soulager le système digestif. Le fenouil contient de l'acide aspartique, qui agit comme un anti-flatulent.

Le yogourt contient des bactéries probiotiques qui sont bonnes pour l'intestin. Les probiotiques garderont l'intestin de rester dans les meilleures conditions, tout en prévenant les maladies invasives par les aliments. Et aussi d’améliorer la fonction digestive.

la menthe est souvent utilisée comme un traitement pour l'indigestion, les brûlures d'estomac et des flatulences. La menthe est aussi connue pour son efficacité à stimuler l'appétit. Il est également capable de traiter les nausées et maux de tête.

Les feuilles de laurier sont déjà éprouvées, d’êtres capables de traiter la migraine, l'anxiété et le stress. Ces feuilles peuvent aussi améliorer le système digestif et aident à purifier le système.
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La solitude est aussi nocive que le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme

quel est le danger de la solitude l'isolement sur la santé?
Le journal PLOS One a publié un article de physiologistes américains sur les dangers de la solitude. Selon eux, la solitude est équivalente aux dégâts causés par le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme.
Toutefois, la famille et l'amitié forte, l’attachement émotionnel et des paroles aimables peuvent considérablement améliorer la santé humaine - et parfois même plus efficace que l'exercice physique et l'abstinence de mauvaises habitudes.Dans les 7 ans, les scientifiques ont mené plusieurs études sur ce sujet avec la participation de près de 400 000 personnes, qui ont montré que les personnes appartenant à certains groupes sociaux (comme les voisins, parents ou amis) ont 50 % moins de risque sur la santé que les célibataires.Cette conclusion a amené les experts à l'effet qu’ils en font assimiler la solitude avec le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme. Donc, en termes d'impact négatif sur la santé, la solitude était identique à fumer 15 cigarettes par jour - le journal cité par les chercheurs.
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wallpaper from H&D as IPhone cases and more

Some of you might remember these patterns but they first appeared in the Home and Delicious Magazines. The design is by Helga Guðný, our friend and a graphic designer at Soup Design, living in Los Angeles with her husband and three sons. Helga Guðný is super talented and we are thrilled to see her take her design further. Now you can buy these wallpapers as patterns in IPhone cases, for the IPad, on pillows, mugs etc. Click this link and you'll go to the page of Society6 where you can order Helga's design.

– Read more to see more patterns and products –

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Make Citrus Peel "Tazo" Style Tea Blends and Bags ~ Citrus Series

“Afterwards, they always had tea in the kitchen,
much the nicest room in the house.”
~ Flora Thompson, Author of Lark Rise to Candleford

As we load up on oranges and tangerines for the vitamin c punch this winter, don't forget the peels provide their own medicinal benefits. A cup of tea mixed with citrus peels would be a blessing to your health, a delight to the senses and rest for the weary.

We have dried some tangerine peels (how to here) and mixed them with a loose black tea for a simple effect. We used a ratio of 1 cup of tea leaves to 1/4 cup of dried peels but I encourage you to be creative! Prepare a rainbow variety using lemon, orange and tangerine peels!

The Tazo tea company prepares tantalizing blends featuring the abandoned peel for an enormous price. Perhaps these combinations will inspire you?
  • The "Aloha Citrus" is made up of "black tea with pineapple, lemongrass, orange peel & coconut flakes".
  • The "Wild Sweet Orange" blend features a "herbal infusion of orange peel, lemongrass, citrus herbs & licorice root" while the "Passion Tea" is comprised of "hibiscus, orange peel, rose hips and passion fruit flavors".
  • The "Mintly Citrus" combines spearmint, tangerine peel, freeze-dried orange peel, blackberry leaves and orange oil (and they charge $5.95 for 2 oz!).

My question is… why have we been taught to throw our nifty citrus peels away?

For added "zest", you can make custom tea bags for your "house-blends". 

Simply make a pattern using a bag of tea (I traced it with the wrapper on to allow room for my seams).

Fold over your fine cheesecloth a few times so that you can prepare many bags with one cut.

Note: My cheesecloth could have been a bit "finer" but I used what we had.

You could also use other transparent fabrics such as organza.

Once you have your tea cloths all cut out...

...then sew three ends together (I used a sewing machine).

Fill with a generous teaspoon of your custom tea blend and sew the bag closed.

Enjoy your exotic tea! This would make a wonderful gift or a great reason to invite a friend over to enjoy a cup together. You could also serve your tea as a "loose tea" by utilizing a tea strainer. Loose tea is nice to gift in a pretty tin.
"Then Mrs. Tiggy-winkle made tea—a cup for herself and a cup for Lucie.
They sat before the fire on a bench and looked sideways at one another."
~ The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-winkle by Beatrix Potter

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best HOME VISITS of 2013

As I have chosen best of 2013 in some categories here on Home and Delicious I thought the last one should be the home visits. Exquisite homes, compelling and outstanding in some way. They look different but all have a charm of impeccable overall personal feeling I prefer. 

– Read more to see all the photos from the home visits – 

ABOVE: MILANO, ITALY (click the name to read)

BROOKLYN, NEW YORK  (click the name to read)

CORNWALL, ENGLAND  (click the name to read)

BOLOGNA, ITALY (click the name to read)

FURILLEN, SWEDEN  (click the name to read)

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style: best of 2013 – II

More nice clothes to look at from the year 2013. Some of my favourites. 
This part is quite classy and feminine I notice! 

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style: best of 2013 – I

I thought we should keep the best of going on a little bit longer and linger on for a while in the style section. It's a part of Home and Delicious that is growing and the clothes and related board on Pinterest is popular. I just decided to choose the photos I really like without section it a bit. Following is the the first part, photos I can watch again and again.

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Eight Ways to Combat the "No $pending Blues"

"The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
So he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life…"
~ Proverbs 31:11-12 (NKJV)

"The wise woman builds her house,
But the foolish pulls it down with her hands."
~ Proverbs 14:1

Many of us were (or are) accustomed to heading out to the malls for a few hours of leisure. Once a necessity, shopping has turned into quite the hobby for the American public! But when cash is tight, it is more than recreation, it is an addiction that must be stopped before you run your household desolate. The next time you have that urge to spend, consider these happy options:

  • Organize What You Have
Organize all your belongings and streamline your home. This will give you a great sense of accomplishment and the realization that you probably already have everything you need. It will also aid you in running your home more efficiently and give you purpose to maintain what you have instead of bringing in more items to upkeep.

  • Rearrange
When you rearrange your furniture, it gives you that "new" feeling without spending a dime. Focus on one room a month. In our home, we have an autumn/winter arrangement of furniture which keeps the fireplace as the center of attention. In the spring/summer, I move everything around the coffee table where we gather with our iced-tea glasses and games.

  • Remember, Repaint, Recycle, Refurbish
Dig through your attic or basement and repurpose your old cast off's. When you sift through your surplus of goods, you will probably find something that you forgot about that will be "new" to you. A coat of paint does wonders and gives items a fresh identity. We usually have old cans lying in the garage and I make do with the colors we already have (mix the hues to create more volume or a new color).

  • $ell Your Excess
If you really need to purchase something out of necessity, sell off your excess first and recycle your money back into your wallet. Garage sales, eBay and Craig's List are all easy ways that you can market your goods from home. Just use caution and make sure your husband is home prior to accepting a stranger inside or you can always meet in a public parking lot for safety.

    • Alter What You Own
    Altering your clothing is another way to bring the "new" back into your wardrobe. Go through your closet and fix the waistband of that once-favorite skirt, add a new panel of fabric to the bottom of your old skirt and replace boring buttons with pretty ones to give an updated look to an old blouse, etc.

    • Learn New Skills
    Lean times can be the "glean" times. Your local community (library, craft stores, etc.) and many websites offer free classes in which you can learn new skills. These skills will enhance your life, teach you to enjoy hobbies at home and thus remove the need to shop all of the time. These are tools that can be passed down to your children and grandchildren like a perpetual gift that keeps on giving.

    • Love Your Library
    Ah, the library is the heavenly headquarters for the thrifty minded woman! So many books to inspire you in all areas of life and they are free for the taking! Learn how to ferment, embroider, clean your house, knit, crochet, sew, can, craft, woodwork, etc. Read inspirational biographies that will teach you to count your blessings instead of spending more money. Knowledge is priceless and yet, it is absolutely free when you spend the time to acquire it!

    • Get Creative
    I have noticed that the times the money is the tightest are the times that I become more creative and resourceful. That is always a challenge and it can be fun to do productive projects on a budget. Here are some  practical and inspirational posts to get you started:

    May you be a blessing to your household and start curbing that spending habit.  May you be amongst the contented women that realize the best things in life aren't "things". Most importantly, may you be that heaven-sent angel in your earthly home since...

    "a prudent wife is from the Lord" (Proverbs 19:14b).
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    best INSPIRATIONAL photos of 2013

    Photos that left me inspired in 2013. Sort of photos I really like. I can spend endless hours just browsing Tumblr and sink into lovely images. Start wandering about the surroundings, forms and colours. These are images I really loved in the past year and I never get tired of. A great start for the upcoming weekend. 

    – Read more to get all the inspiration –

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    best of LIVING ROOMS in 2013

    Now we see the best of the living rooms in 2013. What I've chosen are five different rooms with completely different style ethic. The colourful one above with an eclectic twist, the minimal one where mid-century modern are embraced in few but well executed objects, the soft modern one with a kind of american twist, one in a kind of classic/mid-century meets soft modern and then scandinavian one in white with touch of black and natural tones. 

    – Read more to see all the living rooms – 

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    best of DISPLAYS and vignettes in 2013

    The power of a beautiful display shouldn't be underestimated. To put interesting and intriguing objects together make the difference when pulling off personal environment. Following are five fulfilling displays of the year 2013. 

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    La solitude est aussi nocive que le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme

    quel est le danger de la solitude l'isolement sur la santé?
    Le journal PLOS One a publié un article de physiologistes américains sur les dangers de la solitude. Selon eux, la solitude est équivalente aux dégâts causés par le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme.
    Toutefois, la famille et l'amitié forte, l’attachement émotionnel et des paroles aimables peuvent considérablement améliorer la santé humaine - et parfois même plus efficace que l'exercice physique et l'abstinence de mauvaises habitudes.Dans les 7 ans, les scientifiques ont mené plusieurs études sur ce sujet avec la participation de près de 400 000 personnes, qui ont montré que les personnes appartenant à certains groupes sociaux (comme les voisins, parents ou amis) ont 50 % moins de risque sur la santé que les célibataires.Cette conclusion a amené les experts à l'effet qu’ils en font assimiler la solitude avec le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme. Donc, en termes d'impact négatif sur la santé, la solitude était identique à fumer 15 cigarettes par jour - le journal cité par les chercheurs.
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