

happy new year 2014!

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"The Months" Copywork Booklet ~ Free Printable

This copywork printable is a sweet way to teach the calendar, promote language art skills, poetry, art and penmanship in your homeschool. Featuring our favorite black and white monthly drawings by Kate Greenaway, your children may also enjoy coloring each regency inspired page featuring past-time play.

These sheets will compliment our "Teaching the Calendar" Unit Study. And, if you are new to the benefits of copywork in your homeschool, I invite you to visit here for some explanation. It is such a burden-less way to teach language arts!

Each page features a seasonal drawing and two corresponding lines of poetry from "The Months" by Sara Coleridge (1802-1852). Perhaps this booklet would be useful in your homeschool?

If you have any problems accessing the printables, please let me know! Simply download from the menu link below, save and print.

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Monthly To-Do Lists ~ Free Printable

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task."
~ William James 

I am forever creating to-do lists. The feeling of crossing off an entry is delightful! It seems like there are two women in this world, one that loves the list and the one that shuns it. Lists are excellent if you are a Mary-minded person but can be a detriment to a Martha-minded woman (if not properly prioritized).

With that in mind, here is our monthly to-do list printable that may help to organize your days.  Unlike daily lists, monthly lists focus on larger projects and need to do's that often get neglected. They give you the ability to see what needs to be done on a larger scale and from there tasks can be delegated into your daily routine. 

These sheets can be utilized for your homeschooling and homesteading projects. They would certainly make a nice addition to your home management binder. I three-hole punched ours and inserted them inside the "monthly work" section. What will you do with yours?

If you have any problems accessing the printables, please let me know! Simply download from the link below, save and print.

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sMake it Yourself MondaysHomestead Barn HopNatural Living Tuesday'sTeach Me TuesdayRaising HomemakersMake Bake CreateWise Woman Link UpChristian Homemaking, Wildcrafting WednesdayWhatever You Want WednesdayFrugal Days, Sustainable WaysHomemaking WednesdaysHomemaking Thursdays,  From the Farm Blog HopFarmgirl FridayClever Chicks Blog Hop and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. Black and White drawings are by the lovely Kate Greenaway.

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akureyri, iceland at christmas 2013

gunnar sverrisson / home and delicious

– Read more to see more photos –

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6 Kate Greenaway Monthly Printables for Home and Homeschool

Alas, a new year is on the way and I would like to thank all of my readers with some organizational and educational goodies. We are sharing with you, a set of Kate Greenaway inspired printables for homemaking, homeschooling and homesteading (in black and white for frugal printing).

Included are a (already linked and ready to use): 

I hope these add joy and delight to your daily duties!

“Go on with your work as usual, for work is a blessed solace.” 
~ Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
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An Organized and Orderly Home ~ Inspirational & Printable Helps

Along with spiritual resolutions, the new year often brings practical ones. We are sharing some posts from the past to get your dwelling place in order. A fresh new start will give you a great feeling. Take a few minutes each night when the children are sleeping and slowly make your way to an organized home...

"Order is the shape upon which beauty depends."
~ Pearl Buck

One doesn't need mounds of money to make a beautiful abode, but a few moments to streamline and organize everything into its proper place. An orderly home filled with love is the prettiest of all homes :)

Note: If you have any problems printing our items, please send me an email and I can send you a PDF file, or leave your email address below and I can send what you need :)

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Aliments qui empêchent les troubles digestifs

aliments pour éviter et traiter l'indigestion
La nourriture que vous mangez peut affecter la santé digestive. Par conséquent, les experts de la santé recommandent toujours que vous choisissez vos aliments à bon escient.
Lorsque la nourriture est consommée correctement, cela aide le tube digestif de prévenir les troubles tels que les brûlures d'estomac, ballonnements et la constipation.

Eh bien, voici quelques aliments qui sont bons pour la digestion selon The Times Of India.

Le gingembre contient gingerol active qui produit un sentiment de chaud, épicé, de stimulation et de propriétés thérapeutiques. En plus d'être une épice de cuisine, le gingembre est souvent utilisé comme un médicament pour les troubles du système digestif, tels que des nausées.

Fenouil contient l’anéthole qui peut soulager le système digestif. Le fenouil contient de l'acide aspartique, qui agit comme un anti-flatulent.

Le yogourt contient des bactéries probiotiques qui sont bonnes pour l'intestin. Les probiotiques garderont l'intestin de rester dans les meilleures conditions, tout en prévenant les maladies invasives par les aliments. Et aussi d’améliorer la fonction digestive.

la menthe est souvent utilisée comme un traitement pour l'indigestion, les brûlures d'estomac et des flatulences. La menthe est aussi connue pour son efficacité à stimuler l'appétit. Il est également capable de traiter les nausées et maux de tête.

Les feuilles de laurier sont déjà éprouvées, d’êtres capables de traiter la migraine, l'anxiété et le stress. Ces feuilles peuvent aussi améliorer le système digestif et aident à purifier le système.
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La solitude est aussi nocive que le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme

quel est le danger de la solitude l'isolement sur la santé?
Le journal PLOS One a publié un article de physiologistes américains sur les dangers de la solitude. Selon eux, la solitude est équivalente aux dégâts causés par le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme.
Toutefois, la famille et l'amitié forte, l’attachement émotionnel et des paroles aimables peuvent considérablement améliorer la santé humaine - et parfois même plus efficace que l'exercice physique et l'abstinence de mauvaises habitudes.Dans les 7 ans, les scientifiques ont mené plusieurs études sur ce sujet avec la participation de près de 400 000 personnes, qui ont montré que les personnes appartenant à certains groupes sociaux (comme les voisins, parents ou amis) ont 50 % moins de risque sur la santé que les célibataires.Cette conclusion a amené les experts à l'effet qu’ils en font assimiler la solitude avec le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme. Donc, en termes d'impact négatif sur la santé, la solitude était identique à fumer 15 cigarettes par jour - le journal cité par les chercheurs.
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Welcome Winter ~ A Collection of Posts

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L’estime de soi supérieur conduit à une meilleure santé

c'est quoi l'importance de l'estime de soi dans la vie?
Les scientifiques australiens ont conclu que plus la personne a un amour-propre fort, le mieux sera sa santé, - The Psychological Science a écrit.
Les experts sont arrivés à cette conclusion après une expérience dans laquelle ils ont essayé diverses façons d'influencer l’amour propre des participants: Soit le soulever avec des éloges et des compliments, ou - au contraire - en le réduisant à des évaluations critiques et négatives. Par exemple, les auteurs dits aux volontaires qu'ils ont l'air bien et mal, et puis dans les deux semaines de la surveillance des volontaires ont été invités pour évaluer leurs propres sentiments et bien-être.Dans le même temps, les scientifiques ont suivi le nerf vague des participants - le cerveau humain qui est responsable pour le système nerveux parasympathique (qui à son tour influe sur le système cardio-vasculaire). Si le nerf vague a une réduction du tonus, le système nerveux parasympathique ne peut pas apaiser le coeur pendant le stress et la dépression, qui peut conduire à des maladies cardiovasculaires graves.Les études ont montré que plus l'estime de soi des participants est fort, le plus élevé a été le ton de leur nerf vague, qui permettait aux gens de faire face aux sentiments négatifs, tout en maintenant une bonne santé."L’estime de soi fort nous aide à se sentir en sécurité à un moment où nous sommes confrontés à des bouleversements sociaux", - les chercheurs ont noté.
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Aliments qui empêchent les troubles digestifs

aliments pour éviter et traiter l'indigestion
La nourriture que vous mangez peut affecter la santé digestive. Par conséquent, les experts de la santé recommandent toujours que vous choisissez vos aliments à bon escient.
Lorsque la nourriture est consommée correctement, cela aide le tube digestif de prévenir les troubles tels que les brûlures d'estomac, ballonnements et la constipation.

Eh bien, voici quelques aliments qui sont bons pour la digestion selon The Times Of India.

Le gingembre contient gingerol active qui produit un sentiment de chaud, épicé, de stimulation et de propriétés thérapeutiques. En plus d'être une épice de cuisine, le gingembre est souvent utilisé comme un médicament pour les troubles du système digestif, tels que des nausées.

Fenouil contient l’anéthole qui peut soulager le système digestif. Le fenouil contient de l'acide aspartique, qui agit comme un anti-flatulent.

Le yogourt contient des bactéries probiotiques qui sont bonnes pour l'intestin. Les probiotiques garderont l'intestin de rester dans les meilleures conditions, tout en prévenant les maladies invasives par les aliments. Et aussi d’améliorer la fonction digestive.

la menthe est souvent utilisée comme un traitement pour l'indigestion, les brûlures d'estomac et des flatulences. La menthe est aussi connue pour son efficacité à stimuler l'appétit. Il est également capable de traiter les nausées et maux de tête.

Les feuilles de laurier sont déjà éprouvées, d’êtres capables de traiter la migraine, l'anxiété et le stress. Ces feuilles peuvent aussi améliorer le système digestif et aident à purifier le système.
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– very merry christmas –

We wish you all a very merry Christmas. 
May the holidays be joyful and happy time for you, your family and friends. 
All the best to you all.
Halla Bára and Gunnar, Lea and Kaja

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La solitude est aussi nocive que le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme

quel est le danger de la solitude l'isolement sur la santé?
Le journal PLOS One a publié un article de physiologistes américains sur les dangers de la solitude. Selon eux, la solitude est équivalente aux dégâts causés par le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme.
Toutefois, la famille et l'amitié forte, l’attachement émotionnel et des paroles aimables peuvent considérablement améliorer la santé humaine - et parfois même plus efficace que l'exercice physique et l'abstinence de mauvaises habitudes.Dans les 7 ans, les scientifiques ont mené plusieurs études sur ce sujet avec la participation de près de 400 000 personnes, qui ont montré que les personnes appartenant à certains groupes sociaux (comme les voisins, parents ou amis) ont 50 % moins de risque sur la santé que les célibataires.Cette conclusion a amené les experts à l'effet qu’ils en font assimiler la solitude avec le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme. Donc, en termes d'impact négatif sur la santé, la solitude était identique à fumer 15 cigarettes par jour - le journal cité par les chercheurs.
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L’estime de soi supérieur conduit à une meilleure santé

c'est quoi l'importance de l'estime de soi dans la vie?
Les scientifiques australiens ont conclu que plus la personne a un amour-propre fort, le mieux sera sa santé, - The Psychological Science a écrit.
Les experts sont arrivés à cette conclusion après une expérience dans laquelle ils ont essayé diverses façons d'influencer l’amour propre des participants: Soit le soulever avec des éloges et des compliments, ou - au contraire - en le réduisant à des évaluations critiques et négatives. Par exemple, les auteurs dits aux volontaires qu'ils ont l'air bien et mal, et puis dans les deux semaines de la surveillance des volontaires ont été invités pour évaluer leurs propres sentiments et bien-être.Dans le même temps, les scientifiques ont suivi le nerf vague des participants - le cerveau humain qui est responsable pour le système nerveux parasympathique (qui à son tour influe sur le système cardio-vasculaire). Si le nerf vague a une réduction du tonus, le système nerveux parasympathique ne peut pas apaiser le coeur pendant le stress et la dépression, qui peut conduire à des maladies cardiovasculaires graves.Les études ont montré que plus l'estime de soi des participants est fort, le plus élevé a été le ton de leur nerf vague, qui permettait aux gens de faire face aux sentiments négatifs, tout en maintenant une bonne santé."L’estime de soi fort nous aide à se sentir en sécurité à un moment où nous sommes confrontés à des bouleversements sociaux", - les chercheurs ont noté.
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Benefits from training is tremendous (Safi Qudsi)

It is a well-known and popular subject - training. There are career build in training. People want to become trainers and train others in a particular subject. There are programs which help individuals to become qualified and well experienced trainers. The subject training is vast and has different roles that one can play with it. One of the other best parts is getting trained in a particular subject and excelling in it. This proves to be advantageous for the candidate who has opted to get trained. It opens new door and opportunities for him or her.

Expediting services are one of the most important things when it comes to purchasing or project management. Especially when it comes to large scale projects like constructing of refineries or power plants these services come into play. People having training in expediting services is considered over others. These people make sure that the goods supplied to erect the project are of quality, delivered on time, make sure that there is no extra cost, minimize potential risk and make sure that the client is happy with the work done for them.

Companies who are into constructions use this service. This service makes sure that the clients are happy and the project completes successfully with no loss of materials, life or any kind of eventuality. The training in expediting services makes the specialist work as per guidelines and he or she knows what to check for in the material supplied and how to bargain and get a cost which is beneficial for the company and the supplier.

Any kind of training makes sure that the person is extremely well versed in the subject, is confident to handle any situation and to take the best decision for the company that he or she work for. The skill imparted during training is a boon to the individual and he or she will have it as an asset for the lifetime. No one can take it away from them and they can catch on it extremely well. Going by the books is good but having a practical insight is an added advantage. Training comprises of both. One gets bookish knowledge as well as practical experience in doing a particular thing. Professional training is very in depth and needs lot of time and patience to finish it properly with good score. If a company is giving the training then they will definitely see how you have fared in the training based on which you might get promoted or go to the next level without any hitches.

All of us can benefit from training and we should take it up enthusiastically. At the same time the trainers should make sure that the training sessions are not boring and it should involve all the students and the class should be vibrant with exchange of ideas and making sure that each and everyone in the room has understood the subject well and there is no scope of any confusion. All of this can be done by a qualified and experienced instructor. It is not easy to train experienced individuals who have worked in different companies and are still working. Getting them on the same level and making them go through the strenuous basic ritual with no complaints is not an easy job. And only and experienced trainer can do it and get the best out of his or her students. To sum it up, in a strong note, we can say that training is one of the important things in life and one should never ignore it and enjoy its benefits.

To get more details on the same call us At (281-804-8632) or log on to our website

AQSS is a Houston based company, with a team of highly experienced and certified/qualified auditors Learn more at Expediting Services
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Advantages of on-site courses (Safi Qudsi)

Training is important. Getting trained properly is more important. Three different kinds of training available. The two most well-known kinds of training are classroom training and on-site training course. One is where the instructor and the students will be in a room where the training will be conducted; basically it will be theory and bookish knowledge. While the other, is on-site Coaching, where the candidate will get trained in the office or company premises. This is one of the perfect ways of training and people who attend such Coaching do have certain best benefits or advantages.

The foremost advantage of on-site training is convenience. Time management is done aptly and lost time is kept to a minimum. On-site courses are very cost effective. Travelling to any other place is negative and so is the travel expense. The trainee does not have to worry about boarding and lodging too. The trainee would need to go to the regular place of employment and the course or the Coaching will be held there. This is one way by which all the extra expenditure is almost nil, this way both the employer and the employee get benefited from this arrangement of on-site training courses.

The next benefit can be seen as course tailoring. Each and every subject has its own depth and is very vast to cover. If the Coaching is done in the specific office, on-site courses can be designed to address the specific need of the organization. Proper specification and tailoring of the course can eliminate unnecessary time spent on learning things which are not required or is of no use for the current training which is ongoing at work place. On-site courses always help the organization meet the specific requirement of the organization without any difficulties.

Such courses give flexibility in terms of the variety of courses available. If you are comfortable with a particular trainer then you can attend the very same classes and build a good rapport with the trainer. This way you will gain more confidence and will be able to grasp the subject more easily and the knowledge will be shared extremely well between the trainer and the trainee. A large organization may have different branches spread across the world. On-site course will help the trainee learn things at the same level and manner with the employees of the other branches because identical training will be provided to everyone.

As the employees undergo Coaching in the office premises it proves to be advantageous. There is no extra time taken and the training is held just for a specific time period during the day. If there is any need for the employee to come back to the department urgently, in such cases the staff can be contacted immediately and the issue or problem can be resolved quickly. Everyone gets the same kind of training. There is no difference in the training method. This kind of training is always beneficial and will give good results to the organization or company.

In most circumstances, on-site courses are preferred because it is cost effective and practical. The kind of facilities available in the organization and its size should be considered before opting for on-site course. The Coaching budget should also be well-thought-out. The need to control expenses, customized training method, time management, convenient, quick access of employees and increased competition will make on-site courses more popular in the future. All the big organizations and companies will opt for this then sending their employees out of the city to get trained or to attend training for a subject in some institute.

To get more details on the same call us At (281-804-8632) or log on to our website

AQSS is a Houston based company, with a team of highly experienced and certified/qualified auditors Learn more at Onsite course
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Business Analyst Training Chennai (Bhargavi Adaptive)

Business analysis is a critical process that drives the project life cycle. The business analyst, acting as an intermediary between the business and technical communities, analyzes competing business needs and develops plans to implement the projects that support stakeholder objectives. In this course, you gain foundational knowledge of the role and function of the business analyst. You also learn to apply a clearly defined business analysis framework.
Course Highlights and Key Take Away
* 100% success rate for CBAP and CCBA certification past record
* Question Bank with 450 IIBA model questions for all participants
* Adaptive Processes Consulting ( is an Endorsed Education Provider of IIBA, see the listing here
* Complimentary e-learning on Business Analysis skills based on BABOK to all participants
* Pre class reading material on BA tools to all participants
* Hard copy Course material to all participants based on BABOK 2.0
* CBAP/CCBA Preparation help and guidance by experienced CBAP certified faculty
* Case study based approach
* Complimentary business analysis toolkit for all participants for the session
* We cover all essential BA tools and techniques like UML, BPM, Test Automation Tools, Requirement Elicitation
* IIBA Endorsed program - You get 21 contact hours for CBAP/CCBA certification by IIBA
* Faculty with more than decade long experience in business analysis and software project management, product development experience - Faculty is CBAP and an industry expert with lot of subject matter experience and is well known in the industry
* Excellent participant feedback (http://, http://,
* Complimentary CBAP model questions for all participants
* The course also prepare the candidates for the CBAP certification with Mock test and preparation with sample questions.
* We provide sample templates, policies and artifacts from our tool kit which helps people in implementation of the concepts in their job.
* The program covers BA tools and techniques like UML, BPM, Requirements elicitation, Stakeholder Management, Solution Assessment and Elicitation Techniques etc.
* Certified PMP? recipients can claim 21 PDUs for their CDU requirements by attending this workshop.
Target Audience: Business Analysts, Software Analysts, Functional Analysts, Market Analyst, Project Managers, Software Architects, Senior Programmers, Transition Analysts, Transition Managers, Transition Leads.

Course Content:
Day 1, Day2 and Day 3:
* e-learning on BA Concepts based on BABOK 2.0
* BA tools learning based on pre class study material on BA tools
Day 4:
* Participant and faculty introduction
* Introduction to business analysis
* Business Analyst responsibilities and skills
* Analytical thinking and problem solving
* Exercise on problem solving Communication skill
* Negotiation Skills
* Business Analysis Process

* Exercise on negotiation skills
* Managing Business Change
* Discussion on BA tools
* Business analysis process
* Stakeholder Management
* Case study on stakeholder management
Day 5:
* Remaining parts of business analysis process
* Exercise on BA planning
* Enterprise Analysis
* Process mapping tools
* Process mapping exercise
* Remaining parts of enterprise analysis
* Elicitation Techniques
* Requirements analysis
* Solution assessment
* Requirements management
* Exercise on Elicitation Techniques
* Exercise on requirements analysis
* Requirements management
* Solution assessment
Day 6:
* IT System Modeling
* Use case modeling
* Testing Principles
* Test automation tools
* Case study on development of test cases
* CBAP preparation tips
* CBAP mock test and answer discussion
* Question and answers
* Feedback and closure
Faculty Profile:
* Senior Consultant and Trainer
* CBAP from IIBA, Canada
* Worked as business analyst with Cap Gemini, Sigma Software and IndoGlobal
* Proven expertise in Business analysis activities for projects in Finance (Wealth Management), Telecom (Voice, Video, Data Service Provisioning and Activation), Process Automation, and Life Sciences domains.
* Business Analysis consultant to various clients and projects helping them choose right business analysis approach.
* Conducted multiple public and in-house workshops conducted in the areas of Business analysis and Requirements Analysis with excellent participant feedback.
* 7+ years of industry experience in software development and business analysis
* Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management, Marketing
* Bachelor in Engineering in Information Technology, University of Pune
Course Designer Profile:
CBAP, PMP, CSM, Six Sigma Black Belt, Certified ISO 9001, ISO 20000 and 27001 Lead Auditor, CSQA (World Topper for the year 2000), PGDM (IIMA) and BE.

18+ years of professional experience in business analysis, project management, product development and consulting. He has consulted several large clients in US, Europe and India for IBM, Infosys, PWC, iGate, MACH, Ness Technologies, AXA Group Solutions etc. He has played role of business analyst for multiple projects in implementing large ERPs and developing software products.

All our Faculties come with more than decade long experience in business analysis, software project management and product development experience.

All the faculties are CBAP certified professional.

Program Feedback:
Please find the earlier program feedback under the following link:

BA workshop FAQ:
Please contact:
Ananya M:+91 9343794800/9019450325

Processing ...
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La solitude est aussi nocive que le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme

Le journal PLOS One a publié un article de physiologistes américains sur les dangers de la solitude. Selon eux, la solitude est équivalente aux dégâts causés par le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme.
Toutefois, la famille et l'amitié forte, l’attachement émotionnel et des paroles aimables peuvent considérablement améliorer la santé humaine - et parfois même plus efficace que l'exercice physique et l'abstinence de mauvaises habitudes.Dans les 7 ans, les scientifiques ont mené plusieurs études sur ce sujet avec la participation de près de 400 000 personnes, qui ont montré que les personnes appartenant à certains groupes sociaux (comme les voisins, parents ou amis) ont 50 % moins de risque sur la santé que les célibataires.Cette conclusion a amené les experts à l'effet qu’ils en font assimiler la solitude avec le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme. Donc, en termes d'impact négatif sur la santé, la solitude était identique à fumer 15 cigarettes par jour - le journal cité par les chercheurs.
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L’estime de soi supérieur conduit à une meilleure santé

Les scientifiques australiens ont conclu que plus la personne a un amour-propre fort, le mieux sera sa santé, - The Psychological Science a écrit.
Les experts sont arrivés à cette conclusion après une expérience dans laquelle ils ont essayé diverses façons d'influencer l’amour propre des participants: Soit le soulever avec des éloges et des compliments, ou - au contraire - en le réduisant à des évaluations critiques et négatives. Par exemple, les auteurs dits aux volontaires qu'ils ont l'air bien et mal, et puis dans les deux semaines de la surveillance des volontaires ont été invités pour évaluer leurs propres sentiments et bien-être.Dans le même temps, les scientifiques ont suivi le nerf vague des participants - le cerveau humain qui est responsable pour le système nerveux parasympathique (qui à son tour influe sur le système cardio-vasculaire). Si le nerf vague a une réduction du tonus, le système nerveux parasympathique ne peut pas apaiser le coeur pendant le stress et la dépression, qui peut conduire à des maladies cardiovasculaires graves.Les études ont montré que plus l'estime de soi des participants est fort, le plus élevé a été le ton de leur nerf vague, qui permettait aux gens de faire face aux sentiments négatifs, tout en maintenant une bonne santé."L’estime de soi fort nous aide à se sentir en sécurité à un moment où nous sommes confrontés à des bouleversements sociaux", - les chercheurs ont noté.
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HOME VISITS – Icelandic Interiors

X-mas reminder that our new book is a great one 
as a christmas present. You can buy it here on our site 
and we will send it to you wherever you are in the world!

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