

monday's mix – fairy lights

This is the Monday for many of us we feel it's the one to bring the normality back to our lives! Not that the normality is bad, on the contrary. We actually need to enjoy and embrace it and make the most of it, because out of normality we usually get the most memorable moments. That's why I decided to to make the first Monday's mix of the year a kind of fairy one and show you some images of fairy lights I feel a great idea to use the whole year round. When the Christmas time is over I'm never in the mood to take all the beautiful lights down. I keep the white paper stars for some time, as this time of the year is very dark here in Iceland. But when I started to collect these images I show you here, I felt it was a perfect idea to keep the lights up when the holidays are over. Bigger and more statement kind of lights, to use more as a lamp than fairy lights, use in all rooms and move around – I think it could be suitable for many of you. Cool idea. 

Photos: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4-5 / 6 / 

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