

tea and christmas time

I really love tee. In the morning or in the evening – every time. It started few years ago and now it's a ritual in my life. I think it's exciting to taste some new variations of tee and just to enjoy the moment having a cup. I've been planning to write a post about tee, the calming effect it has and phrase it, but decided to do it when I would get my first box of tee from a company in Iceland that specialises in different tees and delivers a new one to your door every month. You pay a monthly fee, are a subscriber, and get something new to taste and enjoy each month. 
The christmas tee from Tefélagið has such a wonderful smell that I instantly felt christmas when I opened the box. It's a green tee, Sencha, from Japan with orange, ginger, cardamoms, cinnamon, coconut and almonds. It's spicy with some sweets. The smell is festive and the taste in perfect balance. I encourage you to find something similar and really enjoy making tee...

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