

for dinner this new years eve...

...slow-cooked pork belly we did for the second issue of Home and Delicious. Slow-cooked food is very charming in many ways. It has a unique taste and the cooking process is relaxed and rewarding. But what many of you who cook often will recognise, is that when it‘s finally time for dinner the chefs appetite may have dwindled! This happens more rarely if you take the time to cook in this way. Hence, everyone will at ease enjoy the meal knowing that it was made with the love and sincerity of the chef. 

The slow-cooked pork belly is served with creamed cannellini beans as well as the stock from the meat. This meal has the great advantage of re-use in other meals of no less quality than the original. That's what we love even more and that's why we chose it for tomorrow have something delicious for lunch the next day. We haven't decided the starter yet but for desert we'll have tiramisu.

If interested you can find the recipe here and flip to page 160.

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