

Homesteading Vision for this Homemaker ~ Dream with Me

Now on our third year of homesteading, we have gotten a taste of the weather, the seasons, the land, produce and animals. It is the time for detailed goals and purposes. I wanted to share our dream vision with you... Perhaps yours is similar?

I would love to prepare our pantry solely from our harvested goods, to create our own apothecary featuring natural remedies from nature's bounty and use only the household products formulated with simple and safe ingredients. Like many of you, we desire less reliance on the stores and more on the land. Picture with me, if you will...

"PB Found Pharmacy Bottles" from Pottery Barn

Jars and containers filled with concoctions, procured from the earth, labeled and beautiful like the apothecary shops of old. To see them all lined up and ready for action..

Glass Bird Canisters from Pottery Barn

To display handmade soaps, bundled with twine in an attractive jar. Bath salts poured and measured with your own hands (sprinkled with scented flowers such as rose petals, perhaps?)...

"PB Glass Apothecary Jar" from Pottery Barn

Lavender and other fragrant herbs which you have dried, ready to use as a potpourri, relaxing tea or bath time soaks…

Homemade tonics and tinctures… Blends of sweet and savory spices collected from our kitchen gardens...

"PB Classic Glass Canister" from Pottery Barn

To be self reliant doesn't necessarily mean one must become savage. We can make it sweet! At the end of a hard working day, there will be rest for our weary bodies...

Tucker Wall Unit from Pottery Barn

And finally, a nice apothecary cabinet to store all our homemade treasures. Nothing too fancy, just something *simple* (wink)… I hope to share some of our creations with you this upcoming year as we attempt to utilize what we have from the land

We could all dream, can't we?

"Where there is no vision, the people perish…"
~ Proverbs 29:18a

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