

10 rooms – with stars all over

10 rooms decorated with big and beautiful stars. 

Usually the stars are made of paper or brass and hanging in windows or down from the ceiling. But when bigger and they need more space there are many unusual ways to use them and the stars are even more decorative. Try the different ways the images show; on consoles, hanging them on the wall, standing on the floor, many used together or stars everywhere, in every room. I admit that I really love such stars as I love the light through paper. I think it's since my childhood, I was the most excited when my father put the paper star in my window. Great memories and therefor I love hanging it all around and embracing my home in this soft and lovely light with reflecting stars on the walls. 

...and one extra room

Photos: 1 / 2, 5, 11 / 3 / 4 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

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