

Preparing Pumpkin Puree

"… Pa brought six yellow-gold pumpkins from the field."

~ Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Long Winter

This was our first year planting pumpkins and we really enjoyed harvesting our "sugar baby" variety. They are a smaller pumpkin yet perfect for the likes of pies, cakes and dessert bars. Here is how we prepared the puree...

We removed the outside peel, scooped out the seeds and flesh (save the seeds*).

Actually, my hubby did this part for me :)

Important Note: I did find out later that you could cook them with the peels on and
the skins will slip off once soft, *OOPS* sorry honey!

Wash thoroughly. Cut into smaller chunks and place in steamer.

Cover and steam until tender (about 20-30 minutes). 

They are finished when fork can easily poke through the pumpkin.

Dump contents into strainer to remove any excess water and then place into a large bowl.

Let cool a few minutes and puree until smooth (I used a stick blender).

You could probably mash this by hand with a manual masher if you had to.

Let the pumpkin puree cool.

Ladle into plastic containers and place in freezer to await their destinies as desserts or
store in the refrigerator and use within a week.

"You may cut the pumpkin in slices and peel them
while I make the piecrust," said Ma."

~ Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Long Winter

To use the frozen pumpkin in desserts, thaw in refrigerator 24 hours in advance. If you notice water on the surface, skim prior to using (though I didn't have that problem).

Note: The "Libby's" 15 oz. can equates to approximately 1 ¾ cups of your pumpkin puree. If you are interested, here is a super easy pie crust recipe which makes four at once. To make your pumpkin pie extra special, may I suggest that you top the whole surface with freshly whipped cream (you can do this up to a day in advance). Delicious!

*Also, don't forget to save your seeds! Here is a fun project using them...

How do you prepare your pumpkins? Happy harvesting!

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