

Making Lavender Scented Carpet Deodorizer

Living on the farm, you come in contact with many different aromas... Some good and some not so good (to put it gently). I am constantly opening the windows to air out the house (especially necessary in a humid climate) but in the chillier months, fragrance from the inside out is wonderful. Here is an easy recipe to make which freshens up your carpets to maintain that "clean" feeling. All you need is baking soda and dried lavender flowers. You can also used crushed/dried rose petals or any other fragrant herb you have in lieu of the lavender. 

I used a ratio of 1/4 cup of dried flowers to 1 cup of baking soda. You can go as strong as a 1 to 1 ratio if you can spare the lavender. 

To begin, crush the lavender flowers. I used my coffee grinder (just make sure to clean it first or you will have a coffee scented cleaner instead, hey that doesn't sound half bad...). I had to pulsate it for a few minutes to get the desired powdery consistency.

Now, place one cup of your baking soda and your crushed flowers together into a container. Shake it up and your carpet deodorizer is *done*. You may want to let it sit for 24 hours to let the fragrance infuse. 'Tis wonderfully easy! (FYI: I enjoy talking in Old English as a source of thrifty amusement.)

Edited to Add: I have since made another batch EASIER by placing the lavender flowers together with the baking soda in the blender. It worked excellent and crushed the lavender perfectly. This is my new way!

Here is yet another excellent way to use a recycled spice shaker. The holes are perfect for evenly sprinkling this mixture all over your rugs. 

You can see the flecks of lavender inside. Though they are small, the aroma is strong and wonderful!

Directions for Use: Start off with clean rugs before you apply this (so you will want to vacuum first). For maximum performance, sprinkle your lavender carpet deodorizer evenly on the desired areas and let sit overnight. Vacuum up the following day. Frugal. Fresh. Fun.

Here is a label should you like to give this "pleasant project" a try… If you are in love with lavender like myself (or just have an abundance growing), then you may also be interested in making your own lavender infused cleaning products or drying lavender. This is a part of the Utilizing What You Have Series...

"...and the little garden surrounding it is crowded with a medley of old-fashioned herbs and flowers, planted long ago, when the garden was the only druggist's shop within reach, and allowed to grow in scrambling and wild luxuriance—roses, lavender, sage, balm (for tea), rosemary, pinks and wallflowers, onions and jessamine, in most republican and indiscriminate order…"

~ Elizabeth Gaskell, Excerpt from Mary Barton

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