The knowledge of creation science in this evolutionary-indoctrinated age is a tremendous tool for the believer to acquire. The concern for our children is… if they do not accept that God created the heavens and earth as recorded in Genesis, perhaps they will begin to disregard other areas of Scripture as well. A solid foundation in the Bible is key. When the world questions our beliefs using the "sword" of science, are we prepared with sound, scientific answers that bring honor and glory to our Creator?
Here is a list of our favorite creation science videos that helped to build a scientific foundation of faith in our family. They are wonderful to keep your home education alive during these warmer months. Make the evening special with a fruit salad or popped corn. Learning together about God's creation is fun!
Note: The Creation Mini-Series from Answers in Genesis is like a "Creation 101" class for anyone who is new to this fascinating subject of science and the Scriptures.
Note: The Creation Mini-Series from Answers in Genesis is like a "Creation 101" class for anyone who is new to this fascinating subject of science and the Scriptures.
For Younger Children 4 and up:
- Dinosaurs, Genesis & the Gospel
(Answers in Genesis DVD)
- Your Backyard: Identifying Birds (Crowe's Nest Media DVD)
- Your Backyard: Monarch Butterfly (Crowe's Nest Media DVD)
For Children 6 and up:
- Newton's Workshop World Building/Germinators DVD
(Moody Science DVD)
- Newton's Workshop Bug Safari/Cell-a-bration DVD
(Moody Science DVD)
- Newtons' Workshop : The DNA Decoders/The Pollution Solution DVD
(Moody Science DVD)
- Newtons' Workshop: The Name Game/As the World Spins
(Moody Science DVD)
For Children 8 and up:
- Project Dinosaur (DVD)
(Fun & educational! BJU Unusual Films) Highly Recommended!
- Journeys to the Edge of Creation (Moody Science DVD)
- The Mysterious Islands
(Vision Forum ~ Awesome Information, Music & Cinematography)
- Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Catastrophe
(Institute for Creation Research)
- Evolution: The Grand Experiment Episode 1
(Dr. Carl Werner)
- Grand Canyon Monument to the Flood (Institute for Creation Research)
- Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution 1
- Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution II
- Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution III
- Wonders of God's Creation Set DVD
Set/3 (Moody Science DVD)
- Awesome Forces of God's Creation DVD
(Moody Science DVD)
- Global Warming: A Scientific and Biblical Expose' of Climate Change
(Answers in Genesis)
- Creation Mini-Series 6 DVD Pack
(Answers in Genesis)
- Dinosaurs & Dragon Legends
(Theme: Dinosaurs, Dragons, Creation Science) Short Video
- Flood Geology
(Theme: Noah's Flood, Geology) Short Video
Visit here for a look at our Creation Study.
This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday's, Make it Yourself Mondays, Homestead Barn Hop, Natural Living Tuesday's, Teach Me Tuesday, Domestically Divine Tuesday, Raising Homemakers, Wise Woman Link Up, Wildcrafting Wednesday, Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways, Simple Living Wednesdays, Homemaking Thursday's, Farmgirl Friday and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these.
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