

Containing Your Curriculum

 “A place for everything, everything in its place.”
~ Isabella Mary Beeton

All those wonderful purchases from the homeschool conventions, used books that you viewed as jewels when you found them for pennies at thrift stores and resources you have accumulated along the way from friends, can really bring down your cheer as it grows into mountains of messes. What I have found helpful is storing my "stuff" in  clear plastic storage boxes by subjects.  This is  a perfect way to add order to the homeschool. (The 16 quart plastic containers seem to work best as they hold most sized books and videos, are stackable and cost just a few dollars each.) 

You may have to take a moment to sort all your materials and divide into subjects but it is well worth it! We do mostly unit studies so ours go something like this; insects, birds, plants, animals, geography, ancient history, U.S. history, etc. Yours may go something like math, language arts, history, etc., or you may label according to each child's work or each grade. Once everything is sorted into some sort of category, label the containers appropriately with a label maker or print out some decorative ones.

You will have more peace in your homeschool when everything at least looks peaceful! 

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