

Bathroom Makeover

Welcome to part three of our Homestead Home Tour! A bathroom makeover… It sounds so magazine-ish doesn't it? Below is a before picture. As I said in prior posts about our home purchase, the idea was to only paint the inside of the house in order to be budget friendly (and just deal with the rest). So, here is what we had to work with...

This really needs a nice and clean coat of white paint to brighten things up! I think that is the biggest miracle worker in any home. Fresh looking walls...

The shower sliding doors we have here aren't bad, however, they really are never clean enough in this household (I am just being honest!) so I am a firm believer in shower curtains whether or not you really need them. Just place a curtain rod across and hang curtain over your sliding doors. They hide so much evil! You can even make your own with those extra twin flat sheets you have laying around by sewing in a bunch of button-holes in which you can attach the shower curtain clips. I am always on the look out for clearance shower curtains since they are the closet thing I ever get to a remodel.

We were grateful that although this home has zero closets, there was this nook in the bathroom which is very handy! A nice paint job and it is ready to serve. I keep all my bath towels here because they are something you can store out in the open without looking sloppy. What I did do was hide the other stuff that isn't too becoming such as extra toilet paper, toiletries, etc., in the bottom shelves and placed a tension rod with an old cafe curtain across it to hide them. In the past, I had also used a baking rack inside the bathroom to hold supplies and an inexpensive shelf at Goodwill can be painted and placed in a corner to do the same duty. You can also hide undesirables with the tension rod trick with a free-standing shelf as well.

Some things though, you just can't hide and have to accept such as this 1940's toilet tank. We just layered a coat of paint over it and called it a day. If you keep it clean and your shower curtain happy, then all attention falls on it and not the weird stuff that you have such as the bidet below (I just can't seem to accept that thing no matter how healthy they are supposed to be! They scare me!).

A nice picture always brightens up a spot and this is just a poster placed into a pretty frame. Nothing expensive. I think bigger is better for pictures since it removes the cluttery look that can sometimes happen with lots of little things on the walls.

A towel rack behind the door provides a place to hang bath towels.

If you can squeeze a hamper into the bathroom then I recommend it. Dirty clothes go straight from the bodies and into the basket so they don't end up being strewn all over the house. Then, all you have to do is go to the bathroom to find your daily laundry to be done. (And yes, that is the bidet…)

If you have room, you can squeeze a small piece of furniture to offer additional storage for items such as cotton balls, q-tips, toilet paper, magazines and extra wash cloths. This poor shelf has been in every room in my house the last ten years and finally found it's way into the bathroom where I think it was intended. You can find small tables like this at garage sales and just paint them to match your bathroom and enjoy the extra storage space.

And here we are, back to the beginning. I hope this has helped to give you some ideas for organizing your bathroom. Thank you for joining me on our homemaking journey…

What storage solutions do you have to share?

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